Wednesday, January 31, 2024


Another hot day ahead of us.  So I'm off early for a walk with Lacy.  Doing the mall (or exterior perimeter) nice and early.

Then I'm coming home and getting on with the bathroom painting.

I ran into a little glitch, with a small leak under the new spout last night, so I will be ringing the plumber today to get him to come and sort it out.

It caused a run on the paint under the spout yesterday, so I'll have to fix that once they have sorted out the leak.

Slightly annoying, but these things happen.

I've got plenty of other stuff to paint and do in the meantime, so all good. 

I would love to hang the new shelves, but feel like that should wait until after the bath is in place.  I don't want the guys to knock their heads on them.  I'm hoping that we MIGHT get the bath in over this coming weekend.

Mike and Joyce will be here on Saturday for a few days, which we are really looking forward to.

They will get to meet Miss Lily!  I am 100% positive they will fall in love with her, just like we all have.

ABOVE:  Bex and Archer took Lily out in her pram yesterday.  You can bet ya bottom dollar Archer LOVED pushing the pram.

I think I'll have to wait until both boys are at school before I get my turn.  πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰


ABOVE:  Another stinking hot walk done and dusted.  If I wasn't worried about gaining weight again, I'd not walk at all.  I bloody hate it.

Lacy thinks I love it!  Stupid girl.  I'd much rather sit on me arse and watch a movie! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜„πŸ˜…

I am now going to ring around tyre repair places.  I have a slow leak in my front left tyre.  Yesterday it was alarmingly low after we got back from Tirau, at 10 psi.  Not that I profess to know a bloody thing about cars, but it did look kinda flatish.  

So I suppose I will be going out a bit later to get that fixed.

Then I can come home and do some more painting.  There wasn't any water under the spout this first thing this morning, so I'm going to turn the water on (into a bucket) then see if there is any water leaking under the spout.  If so, a call to the plumber will happen.

ABOVE:  These are the shelves I bought yesterday.  I wasn't gunna show you, but then thought... why not?  Wood and metal.  Following along with a lot of the other stuff we have bought from the same shop. 

AND.... yep, I still have a leak.  So I've messaged the plumber to get him back to fix it.

And I have an appointment with a tyre repair place this afternoon.  So all getting sorted. 

10.45 am: And the lovely James came immediately!  Diagnosed the problem (Not his mistake), and fixed it.  And off he went.

I went and checked on the spout after 10 minutes of James leaving... BUGGER!  Still leaking.   So I text him again.  

And back he came.

This time he put sealer on the inside of the spout, cos it was clearly a design fault with the spout itself.  SORTED 2nd time around.

I hope.  I'm a bit scared to go and check it again.  I might just wait for an hour or two.  πŸ˜‚πŸ˜

I'm going out soon, I've got quite a list of things to get today.  And then there is the tyre issue to get sorted too.

So, I tidy up me hair, and ...

ABOVE: Wasn't James lovely, he didn't say anything about the paint on me eyebrow!

Talking of eyebrows.

Has anyone had their eyebrows tattooed on?

Cos I'm seriously thinking of getting mine done... cos I don't have any bloody eyebrows to speak of.  I have ONE really good long eyebrow hair, but the bitch is GREY... and I dare not pull it out cos then there would be nothing there.  

So, what say you?   To Tattoo or not ????

AND WHY, yes or no?

Clearly DOGSTARS is a firm NO. lol

It is SO HOT...I get to the tyre place. Go in, the guy says hi, and which is your car?  I tell him it is the blue one. There's 3 blue cars out the front. He gives me THE LOOK. So I twig... and point out MY car.

Then he says... and where are the keys? 

To which I say... In me handbag. 


I got THE LOOK again, this time with his head tilted to the side... fuck I'm a dick.

I fished them outta me handbag...hand them over and slink off to the air conditioned waiting room.

Just me and....

A few dozen tyres for company.

Ya gotta like the smell of rubber to enjoy being in here.

I don't. 

Might leave with a headache.

ABOVE: And there's the problem.  A screw in me tyre. All fixed now. Home.

In the pool cos its just TOO HOT to do anything else.

5.20 pm:  And I was in and out of that pool for three solid hours this afternoon!  It was WONDERFUL.  I got a few jobs done around the house in between popping in and out of that pool.  There's a few puddles of water here and there, meh, don't care.

I just had a very tepid (almost cold) shower, and am spic 'n' span for another nice evening indoors with me Stewie.

Or we might go out to dinner... if I can be arsed putting some clothes on.  I got in me nightie after my shower... slightly better than wandering around the house naked eh?  lol

When Stew arrived home from work, I suggested we go out to dinner.  Steve 'n' Bex had given us a dinner gift voucher, so why not use it?

We had a really lovely dinner, followed by an ice cream at Movenpick in town.

I will post a couple of photos of our dinner tomorrow, for now I will leave you with our night sky when we got home.

ABOVE:  How cool is that?  Very pretty.

And on that note... I'm signing off for the day.

It's been a really lovely day.


  1. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Lovely to see both of the boys so smitten with Lilly

  2. Those big brothers are just loving her! Our little man arrived this morning!

  3. Absolutely... wait until the bath is installed before you deal with the shelves. You might rearrange the way you hang them once the bath is in.
    Such a good big brother!

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Fun to see your process. Glad things are progressing.

  5. NOOOOO! OMG. Your eyebrows are nonexistent - yes. But it looks totally normal and natural. My Hubby is the EXACT SAME. His complexion and extremely light hair (both color and quantity) or whatever just shows zero eyebrows! I can't even imagine either one of you with a dark brown arc drawn over each eye. PLEASE DON"T! Go get a brown sharpie marker. That's what it will look like. You look perfectly natural and lovely. Seriously. No.

    1. Ummmm... that would be a FIRM NO then? LOL

    2. HAHAHA. Just in case there are not enough people to weigh in, I wanted about 10 votes. Came back to give 10 more NO votes. But - clearly you get the point. LOL

    3. Yo darling #Dogstars I love ya but how do you think my eyebrows look xx p.s they are 'Powder Brows' xx
      #Lacy πŸ’™πŸ’œ

  6. Wasn’t one of your girls scarred by tattoo eyebrows?
    I’d be a NO just stencil.

    1. I have had my eye Brows done 'Powder Brows' and mine have looked lovely and natural and still do xx

  7. Anonymous11:59 AM

    No to tattoo eyebrows they look harsh. Eyebrow pencil looks more glasses so hope that says what I want it to say touch typing isn't always reliable with me lll

  8. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I agree, you are too light-complected for tattooed eye brows. They are dark.

    Good suggestion, have them drawn in, accurate color, and see how you like them first.


  9. Anonymous12:07 PM

    I had mine done years ago and at first they look like caterpillars but after a week they were really nice. They eventually wear off as your skin sheds. I loved them but never took the time to redo them. I also had thin eyeliner tattooed on and I did do them again. I say yes but only from a very good very experienced professional..You may have to take medication first but I can’t remember what it was called and why I took it. This was all about 30 years ago. Gigi

  10. Anonymous12:43 PM

    NO - don't they have to use needles to do tattoos? You are probably noticing them more because of the tan on your face. Maybe James didn't notice the paint - too concerned with the water leak - or maybe he has been really well brought up not to comment, lol. Audrey

  11. Anonymous1:35 PM

    I’m a no on eyebrows, have seen absolute rubbish on some people’s faces. Unless you go the very expensive path where they tattoo individual hairs. Marie, Melbourne

  12. Hey Chris, I am blonde and I had my eyebrows tattooed on back in 2006 and then topped up again in 2016. I didn't do the fancy feathering and it was one of the best things I've ever done. I also had my eyeliner tattooed on but I am a bit hesitant about getting it done again as I near 50. You do need to get someone that is experienced, I saw a lady in Rotorua, Nita, and I had my "top up" done when she came up to Auckland which she does once a month or so ( she came highly regarded and has years and years of experience.

  13. Anonymous5:19 PM

    With your complexion, go light and rather thin on the tattoo. My sister had her done a few years ago and they look great. I use a heavily pigmented powder on mine, and while they look okay and frame my face well, I often think how wonderful it would be to do anything at all.
    Love seeing the boys with their baby sister. πŸ₯°

  14. Anonymous5:54 PM

    My 80 year old auntie got hers tattooed. They stand out a bit with her grey hair lol

  15. One of my girlfriends had hers done, she has never regretted it.
    Nawww, aren’t those boys just doting on Lily πŸ₯°

  16. Heya Chris, I had my eyebrows microbladed about 5 years ago. Theyve faded heaps and need redoing, but still look better than they did before I had them done.

  17. My mum had them done and they're good. She went somewhere in taupo whichbis funny cos she lives really close to that recommendation in rotorua 😊

  18. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Hey Chris
    I had my eyebrows done about 4 years ago as had none also
    I love them and the lady I went too created them so they looked natural.
    I must admit now because I don't pluck them myself, just get them tided up every now and then that my actual eyebrows have grown alot lol

    1. I haven't had to pluck a damn thing in YEARS and YEARS. No new eyebrow hairs at all.

  19. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Oh man I have barely any eyebrows left and have thought about doing this too. But I hate needles and I wonder if there is a version that isn't tattoo. Because I would hate to have only one done and then chicken out for the other side that would be tragic and weird looking. It's so damn hot to walk now too - well done for getting it done. Can you give yourself a reward for doing "X" amount of walks. But I was reading a girl that has a instagram account called Glucose Goddess and she has all these tips about how to time meals and what order to eat them in. Example have a small salad first before lasagne or cheese with grapes not just grapes. She also mentions exercise and its effect on meals and your glucose levels. She says moving after you eat helps with reducing spikes in glucose. Also don't drink 30 minutes before a meal. Interesting concept but I think your walking is definitely helping even though its stinking hot now - future you - is getting ongoing benefits. Maria (Australia)


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